Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Gauntlet to Winter Break

                Since this is my first post, I figured that I would introduce myself. My name is Matt and I am a first year MBA/MSF candidate at the Carroll School of Management. I was a 2004 graduate of Holy Cross where I majored in Economics. I spent six years as a submarine officer in the US Navy prior to matriculating at Boston College. I intend on using my military experiences and my MBA/MSF degrees to enter into a career in finance.
                Having had a brief break from classes over the Thanksgiving weekend, I am looking forward to making it to the start of winter break on December 17th. Although classes end in three short weeks, a lot of work stands between now and then. Multiple team projects, final papers, presentations, and exams will occupy most of my time, not to mention the summer internship quest.
                Life is not as bad as I may make it seem, however. We have a lot of fun social events to look forward to. This week’s Thirsty Thursday event is live band karaoke in Boston for the MBA program. Saturday marks the first annual BC Vets Club/GMA sponsored Beer Olympics fundraiser for Toys for Tots. The championship playoff game for the MBA flag football league is on Sunday morning.
                As you can see, life as an MBA student is all about finding the balance between work and play.

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